Appreciate your time in reviewing this information! I've established specific rules that are applicable to all my forthcoming adopts. This is designed to ensure the protection of both my interests as an artist and your rights as a customer or client. By adopting from me, you implicitly consent to my Terms of Service (T.O.S). Failure to read or adhere to my T.O.S will lead to inclusion in my blacklist, and the ability to purchase any of my designs will be restricted.
Commercial Rights ( AB )
-You have permission to use my art or design for profit, but this is exclusively permitted if you participate in an AB (Auto Bid) on my design.-You are authorized to incorporate my designs into games, comics, videos, and other social media platforms for profit. However, kindly provide credit to me on any of my social media accounts when utilizing my design or work.-You may create shirts, prints, business cards, postcards, etc., featuring the characters you have purchased, and you are free to use my artwork for any purpose.-I retain the right to include all my works in my portfolio or repost them on my social media accounts. In such cases, the name of the owner will always be acknowledged.-When reselling the adoptable, ensure that you include the artist who created the adoptable, the current handler/owner, and the present owner. It is essential to inform the artist about the current owner and specify to whom you intend to sell it.
-Refunds are not available.-Only bid if you're certain you'll pay.-Once payment is made, you cannot alter your choice of adoptable.-Be ready to pay if the person who disrupted your bet cannot cover it for some reason.-After acquiring an adopt, it is not permissible to exchange it for another one in my gallery, even if they share the same price.
-Payment for my designs is exclusively accepted through Paypal. The payment process will involve a Paypal invoice, and the associated fees are already included in my prices.-Full payment is required within 24 hours.-Failure to send payment within 24 hours of claiming an adoptable or winning an auction will result in being unable to make another purchase or bid. Such instances will lead to blacklisting, and subsequent transactions with me will not be possible.-In the event that you are unable to make the payment within the specified 24-hour period, please notify me, and we can engage in a discussion to address the situation.
Payment plan ( AB )
-Payment plans are exclusively available for AutoBuy, and you can request one if you are unable to make the full payment within 24 hours.-Upon agreement, an invoice with a separate payment option will be sent to the buyer.-Payment plans are applicable for amounts exceeding $150, with a duration of one or two weeks to complete the full payment.-Upon receipt of the full payment, I will promptly send the files.-In the event that the full payment cannot be completed within a week, the received funds will be considered compensation for the missed opportunity to sell my design. I retain the right to decide whether to offer other bidders the chance to claim the design or to reopen the auction.-If any issues arise with the payment, please inform me, and we can engage in a discussion to find a solution. It's important to note that refunds will not be issued for any reason.-Kindly consider utilizing a payment plan and be aware of the associated risks.
-The deduction for the refund will involve considering aspects such as line art, flat color, references, sources, time, effort, and files sent.-You can only get refunds for YCH commissions, regular commissions, and customized adoptable commissions. Refunds will have deductions based on updates, time, files sent, line art, flat color bases, and the effort I've put in. You're not allowed to use my bases or updates in your references for other commissions, and I have the right to sell these poses since you canceled the commission.-Once you've made a deal or bought adoptables from me and everything has been settled, refunds won't be possible. Remember, you agree to my terms when you purchase adoptables from me.
⚠️Engaging in the described actions is strictly forbidden, and this applies to both commissions and adoptables.⚠️
⚠️ Copying or tracing any of my artworks.
⚠️ Editing or cropping the images and merging them.
⚠️ Downloading the artwork to remove my signature.
⚠️ Trying to sell the artwork/adoptable after it has already been purchased andrightfully belongs to the owner is prohibited.
⚠️ Falsely assert authorship of the original design.
⚠️ Engaging in illegal activities.
⚠️ Stealing or claiming someone else's art as your own.
⚠️Claiming ownership of my client's OC's copyright.
⚠️Uploading the file elsewhere without the artist's consent.
I mark my sold adoptables with the watermark "SOLD," indicating that they have been purchased and now belong to their rightful owners.
Usage Policy
🔳 You are not allowed to sell it for a higher price unless additional art is included.🔳 You cannot sell the design for a higher price than what you paid for it, even if you make changes to it.🔳 Feel free to modify the design, but refrain from altering the original artwork provided by me.🔳 Co-ownership is acceptable to me, but in the event of any dispute between co-owners, I won't intervene. Resolving conflicts among yourselves is your responsibility.
I will update my terms of service again in the future, if there is anything else I want to add.
© PokaPoka. All rights reserved.